Here you will find information about mounting
the Jenix scales and pictures of the installations:
The pictures are big so please be patient while they download to your computer.
Scale and display mounting hardware drawings:
Click on this file name to download: Jenix mount hardware drawings. zip
Z axis mount on Drill/mill:
(Made by end-user)
Z axis mounting system
(made by end-user)
Y axis mounting on Drill/Mill
(made by end-user)
X axis mounting on the rear of a Drill/Mill:
X axis mount on the front of a Drill/Mill:
(made by end-user)
Z axis installation on Drill/Mill:
(made by end-user)
Jenix display on the mounting arm:
(made by Jenix)
Jenix system on the Drill/Mill:
Jenix system on a Bridgeport Series I mill:
Back of 3 axis Jenix display with cables attached:
Jenix display with Quill/Knee switch:
(display made by Jenix - switch box made by end user)
Back of Quill/Knee switch:
(switch box made by end user)
Front of Quill/Knee switch:
(switch box made by end user)
Back of display with cover:
Cable routing:
Y axis installation on Bridgeport Series I mill:
Z axis installation on Bridgeport Series I mill:
(Brackets modified by end-user)
Modified cover for X axis scale on Bridgeport Series I mill:
Z axis installation on Bridgeport Series I mill:
(Brackets modified by end-user)
Top of Z axis scale and mount on Bridgeport Series I mill:
(Brackets modified by end-user)
Z axis encoder mount on Bridgeport Series I Mill:
(Brackets modified by end-user)
Y axis mounting hardware on Bridgeport Series I mill:
(Brackets modified by end-user)
Z axis scale and hardware on Bridgeport Series I Mill:
(Brackets made in the USA for LMSC)
Jenix installed on a Bridgeport Series I mill:
Jenix installed on a Bridgeport Series I mill:
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